2017 is the year Longhorn Stop the Bleed was founded! With this donation, you will receive a shout-out from our social media accounts. (@longhornstb on Facebook and Instagram.)
A $50 donation pays for two training tourniquets. Over its lifetime, each tourniquet will train over 200 people! With this donation, you will receive a shoutout post from our social media accounts. (@longhornstb on Facebook and Instagram.)
We have taught an estimated 200 classes since Longhorn Stop the Bleed started, teaching our community life-saving bleeding control skills. We hope to teach many more classes! Your donation will be acknowledged on our Facebook and Instagram Longhorn Stop the Bleed pages, and we will hold a private Stop the Bleed workshop at your convenience.
$500 helps pay for a rubber training leg, which is an important tool to help us teach students how to wound pack gunshot and stab injuries! This is an important part of the class that equips students with the skills to help someone, no matter what kind of equipment they have access to. Your donation will be acknowledged in all Stop the Bleed training workshops for the next year!