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Camp Shakespeare

Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
124 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on July 09, at 09:00 AM CDT
Project Owners


July 09, 2021

You Precious Winners All,

Thank you! We are deeply moved by your speed and generosity. This is our first time to do an online campaign to raise money for Camp Shakespeare, and we wanted to set a goal that felt achievable. You have helped us achieve that goal twice over in just 2 days. So, we're going to stretch again, because we believe there are more members of our community that want to join in this auspicious effort. The truth is, in a normal year, when students are in residence at camp, the expenses are much higher than they are this year. Camp tuition addresses some but not all of these costs. Lodging alone costs $25,000 per summer. With this in mind, our new stretch goal is $45,000. This amount would ensure that the program is on a sustainable track for next summer.

If you have not given yet, please know that we still very much welcome your gifts and will put them to good use.

Off to a Wondrous Start!

July 09, 2021

Gentles All,

We have concluded the first week of our four-week HornRaiser crowd-funding campaign to benefit Camp Shakespeare, and in just 10 days 89 donors have helped us raise $32,374 or 215% of our original goal!  Before any other message, THANK YOU to everyone who has contributed in any amount.  We are watching the tallies of both dollars and donors, and are deeply gratified by the tidal flood of support.  If you have been following this wild ride, you know that we hit our initial goal of $15,000 on Wednesday June 9 in just 11.5 hours, hit our first stretch goal of $30,000 in just one more day, and are working our way toward our second stretch goal of $45,000. Our hope for the stretch goals is to give Doc and Robin the freedom to think big about next summer, knowing that a solid financial foundation is already in place. 

We are looking to raise about $12,500 more in the next 20 days ($12,626 to be specific!).  Will you help us keep up our momentum by making a gift if you haven’t already?  This project is very important to our group of Ambassadors and to so many of you reading this letter. 

This is a chance to tell Doc and Robin how much we love them and honor the work they have devoted themselves to.  

Here is the link! Let your ducats flow like the sea!  Give as generously as you can!

We are so grateful for every gift. Thank you for your support!

All the best,

Maggie Megaw, Mary Collins, & Madge Darlington

Final Push! We're So Close!

July 06, 2021

Gentles All,

When we started this HornRaiser, we wanted to keep our expectations low for our first outing, but thanks to the full-throated response and astonishing generosity of so many—thank you thank you thank you ALL!! Now, in the final stretch on our twice-stretched HornRaiser goal, WE HAVE 2 DAYS to close the narrow gap between where we are today--$41,975--and our target of $45,000.  Just $3025 to go!  

We are aiming for the largest number of individual donors possible as an expression of our entire Winedale community’s support for Camp Shakespeare, Robin, and Doc. To the 110 friends and family who have given so far, “a thousand thanks!" For anyone who hasn’t made a contribution yet, we welcome gifts in any amount, including $5 and $10 and $20.  Climb on this virtual bus to Round Top and join the party! 

Here is the HornRaiser link!

Other exciting news: Below is the link to the film version of the performance of Much Ado About Nothing from the first session of Camp Shakespeare. As you will see, the students’ incredibly hard work resulted in a joyful and moving affirmation of love and community.

Much Ado About Nothing


Maggie Megaw, Mary Collins, & Madge Darlington

Choose a giving level


The Nick Bottom Award

For 21 years of Camp Shakespeare!


The Road to Winedale Award

$76 for the 76 miles from Calhoun Hall at the University of Texas to the Theatre Barn at Winedale Historical Center


The Hundred Merry Tales Award

$106 for the number of Camp Shakespeare public performances so far...


The Benedick & Beatrice Award

$709 for the number of lines spoken by Beatrice and Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing


The Ducdame Award

$1258 for the number of characters in Shakespeare’s plays


The Doc Ayres Award!

$1964 for the year that Doc first taught Shakespeare Through Performance at UT Austin


The Quarto Award

$3200 for four Guest Artist “residencies” of two weeks each at $400 per week


The Mo' Ducats Award

$7500 for the cost of one production this summer (aka 50 ducats in 2021 dollars!)


The Timon of Athens Award

Be a Timon (minus the part where he flees to the wilderness) by funding all of this summer's programming so that all other donations can ensure Camp Shakespeare's future growth.

Our Crowdfunding Groups