Rank | State | Gifts |
$76 for the 76 miles from Calhoun Hall at the University of Texas to the Theatre Barn at Winedale Historical Center
$106 for the number of Camp Shakespeare public performances so far...
$709 for the number of lines spoken by Beatrice and Benedick in Much Ado About Nothing
$1258 for the number of characters in Shakespeare’s plays
$1964 for the year that Doc first taught Shakespeare Through Performance at UT Austin
$3200 for four Guest Artist “residencies” of two weeks each at $400 per week
$7500 for the cost of one production this summer (aka 50 ducats in 2021 dollars!)
Be a Timon (minus the part where he flees to the wilderness) by funding all of this summer's programming so that all other donations can ensure Camp Shakespeare's future growth.