Thank you for your help! Donors at this level can receive project updates. See how our team is progressing, and see how you help us make a difference as you keep up with the advancement towards project implementation.
Receive in-country project completion pictures, along with the lower level perk. Get a first-hand look at how you are aiding people’s accessibility to the clinic and classes focused on health and wellness, the English language, women’s empowerment, and business development.
Join us on this trip vicariously! This donation level will give you access to in-country project videos as the project is happening! Watch how you’re making a firsthand impact on this clinic and community center, along with lower level perks.
Your generosity deserves thanks and an honorable mention at the end of our project completion video, along with lower level perks. Let us put you and your name in the limelight! People will know how much of a philanthropic help you are to the execution of this project.
This level of altruism deserves a personalized letter from children in Nicaragua thanking you for your generosity in helping us make their community center more accessible, along with lower level perks. These hand-written letters and drawings are guaranteed to melt your heart!
Let us honor you with a personal shout out video for you from the Nicaraguan community, along with lower level perks. Take a video tour of the community and let us say thank you!