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Support the Student Emergency Fund

Raised toward our $7,500 Goal
20 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 15, at 09:00 AM CST
Project Owners

Giving Tuesday

November 29, 2016

Thank you so much for donating to the Student Emergency Fund! We could not provide the services that we do without all of you.  

As you may know, today is Giving Tuesday.  It's a day after the spending holiday to give back to the community. We ask that on this day you share this HornRaiser campaign with your networks and encourage giving to the Student Emergency Fund.  

Thank you to all who have donated since our last update! 

Kelly Ellis

Nanette Faget Johnson

Gladys Vega

Jordan Schwirtlich

Gillian Stern

Thank you Donors!

November 17, 2016

We want to take a moment on UT Thanks Day to say thank you to all who have given to our Student Emergency Fund! We so appreciate all you do to help our students.  We want to give a special shout out to those who donated this week.  Thank you:

Susan Myers

Kim Ferguson

Please continue to share our HornRaiser campaign with those you know.  Thank you for all you do to support those students at The University of Texas at Austin in need.

First week!

November 07, 2016

Wow! We are so excited to have received $600 our first week!  Thank you so much for your support.  It means so much to us and the students who are supported by the Student Emergency Fund.  We encourage you to share across your social media platforms.  We need your support to meet our goal. 

Here is a testimonial about what our Student Emergency Fund means to those who receive it: "This organization really helped me when I needed it most; I was able to eat because of this fund! I will always be grateful with a spot in my heart for this place that cares about students' wellbeing and success. Thank you!"

Thank you donors who contributed this week! 

Lovelys Powell

LeAnn Gillette

Becky Kester

Krista Anderson

Beth Andre


Choose a giving level


Helping Hand

Would cover the cost of groceries for one student facing an emergency, for many students affected by Harvey groceries upon arrival to Austin will be a welcome sight.



The cost of five counseling sessions with the Counseling and Mental Health Center for a student who can't afford the copay. As Harvey has affected many UT students Counseling and Mental Heath Services has extended hours for the many students needing services.



Lost or stolen prescription replacement for five students who may have forgotten, left, or had prescriptions destroyed in the flooding.



Five nights of shelter for a student who can't go home. Many of our students may face this concern, as 1/3 of the University of Texas at Austins student body comes from areas impacted by Harvey.



Replaces textbook supplies for two students that may have been left or destroyed in the flood waters.



Could cover emergency or urgent medical care for up to 10 students.



Enough to provide relocation costs to 15 students.



Provides for every service listed above, and more, including covering the costs of new locks and safety features for 10 students after harassment or violence.

Our Crowdfunding Groups