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IEEE Robotics and Automation Society 2022

Raised toward our $2,000 Goal
47 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 14, at 09:00 AM CDT
Project Owners
Choose a giving level


Anniversary Donation

For 25 years, IEEE RAS has connected undergraduate students from mechanical, electrical, aerospace, computer, and other engineering (and non-engineering) fields through our passion for robotics and automation.


Copper Donation

On average, there were 50 active members in the academic year 2021-2022.


Steel Donation

This fall semester, we had 167 students attend our first general meeting of the academic year!


Silver Level

The Austin area code is 512. We love to do outreach events to give back to our community.


Gold Donation

The amount of time it takes to have a round trip from Austin to the Robomaster competition at the University of Washington in Summer 2023.


Platinum Donation

The Robotathon 2023 Competition will be taking place on November 12th.


Diamond Donation

Our goal is to reach $2000

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