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Frontiers of Martian Geology and Spectroscopy

Raised toward our $11,000 Goal
46 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on February 23, at 09:00 AM CST
Project Owners
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Bronze Level Donor

Thank you for your generous donation! We are grateful for your contribution and will recognize your name in the acknowledgments of future presentations and publications.


Silver Level Donor

Thank you for your generous donation! We are grateful for your contribution and will recognize your name in the acknowledgments of future presentations and publications. We will also send you a mission patch sticker!


Gold Level Donor

Thank you for your generous donation! We are grateful for your contribution and will recognize your name in the acknowledgments of future presentations and publications. We will also send you a mission patch sticker. Additionally, we will give you a shoutout on our social media!


Platinum Level Donor

Thank you for your generous donation! We are grateful for your contribution and will recognize your name in the acknowledgments of future presentations and publications. We will also send you a mission patch sticker. Additionally, we will give you a shoutout on our social media. We will offer you an exclusive behind-the-scenes virtual tour of our Hab as well, where you can see firsthand the impact of your support!

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