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Texas Men's Lacrosse Program Fund 2024

Raised toward our $20,000 Goal
69 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 09, at 09:00 AM CST
Project Owners
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Longhorn Lax Supporter

Help us pay for a pack of lacrosse balls for team practice.


Program Promoter

Sponsor the expense of broadcasting home games and other media services to build the team's national image and brand.


Fan Favorite

Your donation will help fund team bonding experiences and social events for the boys.


Equipment Enthusiast

With this contribution you are helping ensure our team has the gear necessary to look good, feel good, and play good.


Team Dinner Donor

Thanks to you, we are going to be able to eat a much-needed team meal before dominating our opponent at Caven or on the road.


Burnt Orange Booster

Help the boys dominate their competition on the road and finance the team's stay in hotels in Virginia, South Carolina, and at LSA Championships in Dallas.


BEVO Believer

Your donation will help us cover the bus expenses in Virginia, South Carolina, and for road games around Texas.


Longhorn Lax Champion

You're the reason this program continues to thrive and expand. Thanks to your generosity we will be able to afford plane tickets to South Carolina, as well as cover other operating expenses throughout the year.

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