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Support Texas Taekwondo!

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
25 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 11, at 09:00 AM CDT
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White Belt

By donating this amount or more, you'll receive a shoutout on our Instagram @texastaekwondo! Thank you for your generosity! White belts symbolize purity—a fresh start, ready to absorb knowledge. They are fresh beginners on the journey of Taekwondo!


Yellow Belt

The yellow belt symbolizes gold, representing truth. It emphasizes the importance of being truthful with oneself, as it helps to eliminate arrogance and fosters a sense of personal contentment. Truth and integrity are essential to living a fulfilling life. By donating this amount, you'll receive a shoutout on our Instagram @texastaekwondo!


Green Belt

The green belt signifies growth, a process often linked with changes that, while sometimes unsettling, are essential for progress. Embracing growth is crucial for a fulfilling life. By donating this amount or more, your name will be honored on our donor wall on our website and you'll also receive a shoutout on our Instagram @texastaekwondo!


Blue Belt

The blue belt symbolizes the sky or the ocean, representing the mental depth and maturity of an individual. Just as we cannot perceive the full depth of the sea or the vastness of the sky, there is always more beneath the surface than meets the eye. By donating this amount, your name will be honored on our donor wall on our website and you'll also receive a shoutout on our Instagram @texastaekwondo!


Red Belt

The red belt represents the brilliance of the sun and the physical actions of an individual. It is through physical activity that a person expresses their identity, reflecting their mental depth and capabilities. By donating this amount, your name will be honored on our donor wall on our website and you'll also receive a shoutout on our Instagram @texastaekwondo!


Black Belt

The black belt embodies all the colors of the previous belts, representing the culmination of the various concepts each color signifies. It symbolizes a deep commitment to the value system inherent in these colors and the dignity that arises from pride in oneself. By donating this amount, your name will be honored on our donor wall on our website and you'll also receive a shoutout on our Instagram @texastaekwondo!

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