Like the Gazelle, you are a beautiful and graceful person for supporting our project! We will be sending you continuous email updates about the project.
A pack of zebras is a beautiful & fascinating sight to behold and we are ecstatic that you decided to join ours! Team Tanzania will provide you with continuous picture updates as the project progresses!
The Giraffe may be intimidating at first, but it is gentle and kind- just like you! We will provide you with regular video updates on our journey to help Pongwe Primary School!
Your generosity is as great as the mighty elephant as he roams the Animal Kingdom, towering above all others! In our Project Completion video, we will credit you with an honorable mention to advertise your support!
You are the king of the Savannah. You are a superstar. We will send you a personalized shout-out video from the community to thank you for your generous donation!
Asante Sana, which means "thank you" in Swahili! Your altruism is unparalleled, and we are honored to consider you a donor and friend to team Tanzania. In addition to a personalized shout-out video, we will send you a special thank you from the community itself!