Mesquite is a plant (Prosopis glandulosa) that grows mainly in the United States and Northern Mexico.
The red flour which is used in cooking is obtained by grinding the plant's seeds, contained in a pod similar to that of the peas or carob.
The mesquite tree is one of the most common trees of the southwestern United States and parts of Mexico. It is a member of the legume family of plants which includes peanuts, alfalfa, clover, and beans.
Mesquite flour could contribute to combating food scarcity because of its high nutritional contents which have many deeming it the "Queen of Proteins.”
Mesquite flour is a "complete protein" with eight essential amino acids and consisting of 13 and 17 percent protein.
Mesquite flour is low in carbohydrates and fat yet high in dietary fiber, rich in essential minerals like calcium, potassium, zinc and iron.
Since it has a low glycemic index score, mesquite flour is suitable for diabetics and prediabetics.
The mesquite project is the engine that has started the development of the underserved community of Suchilquitongo. As Master Chef, you are the engine that allows us to implement the drying stations in Suchilquitongo. You provide us with the recipe for success!